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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Julius Caesar Act 1 Scene 2 i need a summary of it for homework help ?

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here is a short version
Caesar and his entourage are in the street and a soothsayer warns him about the ides of march, he blows it off and leaves the stage (to sit supposedly in the Colosseum to watch the running games) Brutus is stopped by Cassius, they talk about Caesar, and wonder how he got to be where he is, Cassius hates Caesar. The race run, people leave, Cassius asks Brutus to stop Caska. Caska then tells them about the cheering that they heard while outside. It was Antony offering Caesar a crown (to be emperor), and that this happened 3 times. He also tells them that Marullus and Flavius were put to death. The scene ends with Caska leaving then Brutus, leaving Cassius on stage saying that he will write letters to Brutus in different hands to sway Brutus to his side.

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