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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Who provide grants for Indian Theatre?

Question:There are deffenently a number of providers but you're question needs more detail. Specificly what do you mean by "Indian" not just whether its the Indians from India or the Indians native to america, but also if its contemporary or traditional to that culture or simply just about it. Also where are you? Depending on where you are depends on who will be willing to provide you grants. Some goverments do and buinesses often offer grants to local theatre as a tax write off.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are deffenently a number of providers but you're question needs more detail. Specificly what do you mean by "Indian" not just whether its the Indians from India or the Indians native to america, but also if its contemporary or traditional to that culture or simply just about it. Also where are you? Depending on where you are depends on who will be willing to provide you grants. Some goverments do and buinesses often offer grants to local theatre as a tax write off.