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Question:I have an audition for a musical in the afternoon tomorrow. What should I eat/take/drink or do to improve the quality of my voice? Right now it sounds worse than what I know I can sing. How do I make it better?
In the bottom of my throat it feels really raspy, and I choke on notes I know I can normally hit.
Also; anyone know an easy way to verbrado while belting? I can do it using my head voice, but otherwise...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have an audition for a musical in the afternoon tomorrow. What should I eat/take/drink or do to improve the quality of my voice? Right now it sounds worse than what I know I can sing. How do I make it better?
In the bottom of my throat it feels really raspy, and I choke on notes I know I can normally hit.
Also; anyone know an easy way to verbrado while belting? I can do it using my head voice, but otherwise...

I've been a professional opera/theatre singer for over 25 years.

The first two answerers are wrong, particularly the first one. Do not ever, EVER use honey as some sort of balm -- it will coat your throat for hours. It's amazing that people will pooh-pooh milk yet recommend honey, when honey is very thick and sticky. If you spilled milk and honey on your kitchen floor, which could you clean up faster?

The raspiness and choking is the result of some congestion down in your throat -- including on or around your cords. Get some Mucinex [or anything with at least 600 mg of guaifenesin], and be prepared to start coughing out some nice phlegm balls within a few hours of taking it -- have some tissues handy. :-) Also get some Ricola drops [the original herbal formula], and drink both a lot of water and some hot herbal tea.

Before your audition, warm up gently but thoroughly -- take your time, and keep breathing [and drinking water]. As for vibrato during belting, that will come with more breath support work -- but this is not something you can accomplish between now and this audition, so just do what you've proven yourself able to do.

And since this is a theatre audition, put your vocal fears aside and concentrate on your acting aspects. The last thing you want to do is stand there carefully negotiating these temporary problem areas of your voice, because that's not going to show your stage abilities. If you end up sounding a little hoarse during the audition, have your performance make up for it. If the director knows your work and abilities, he/she will likely realize that you're a little vocally under the weather -- and will appreciate that you showed moxie by working through it.

Break a leg!

yes= honey lemon milk drink no= chocolate
loadsa liquids and good luck!

No dairy products. No carbonated drinks. Drink lots of warm water with lemon and honey; that's the remedy I always use when my voice isn't at top notch. Also, you may be over-rehearsing your songs. I have made that mistake all too many times. Rehearse only as much as you need to, but the second your throat begins to get tired or sore, STOP! Make sure you're warmed up before the audition, and stay hydrated (warm water, not cold)! Break a leg! And if you still can't belt the notes well by tomorrow, don't be afraid to use your head voice, as long as it's as strong and powerful as your chest voice.