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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Whose Line is it anyway; Hoedown or Scenes from a Hat Ideas?

Question:I need some hoedown topics and/or some scenes from a hat ideas. They have to be clean. Any ideas??


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need some hoedown topics and/or some scenes from a hat ideas. They have to be clean. Any ideas??


-Bad times to...
fall asleep, break into song, or other things you can think of
-Really hard test questions
-What you would do first if you were leader of the country
-Things you should not do to your child
-If elephants could talk
-Things people say that make you think "too much information!"
-Things you don't want to hear your barber say
-Professors teaching a subject different than what they normally teach
-How the dinosaurs ACTUALLY died

-Odd pets
-Vehicle problems

what bush will do on his last day of presidency

weird things to say to break an awkward silence

things that you shouldnt do during a test in class