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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why no taped accompaniment for auditions?

Question:I was looking at a website with auditions for a play/musical. And they said they will not accept auditions if you bring a taped accompaniment and that you HAVE TO BRING SHEET MUSIC for the pianist.....why is this? I don't know anything about auditions for theatre but I do want to know the reason for this.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was looking at a website with auditions for a play/musical. And they said they will not accept auditions if you bring a taped accompaniment and that you HAVE TO BRING SHEET MUSIC for the pianist.....why is this? I don't know anything about auditions for theatre but I do want to know the reason for this.

Because coming into an audition for live theatre is tacky. When you are singing with a tape, you are not leading. The tape is. You cannot give-and-take with a tape like you can a pianist.

Also, they need to know what you sound like with a live musician, and if, in fact, you are capable of "taking care of yourself" when singing with live music. It is very easy to use the karaoke tracks as a crutch. Several times, I have heard people sing with backtracks that sounded fine - until you put them with a live musician. It's a completely different thing.

Its easier for them to hear which notes you hit and those that you don't when there is piano accompaniement instead of a recording. Also, music in theatre productions is from an orchestra (hence the orchestra pit below the stage and orchestra seats) so they need people to sing with a live orchestra and not a recording.

They want to know how YOU sound, not the tape. They also want to know how you work with a live accompanist. If they want you to sing specific measures, then the pianist can play just those measure. With a tape you have to rewind and cue up.