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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Play Ideas.....?

Question:I have to write a play about anything at all but I am currently out of creative genius does anyone have any master piece ideas?

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have to write a play about anything at all but I am currently out of creative genius does anyone have any master piece ideas?

10 points to the best answer...:)

You could use a bus queue as your cast and just listen to their conversations.

How about a musical centred around a certain artist or bands can get the story out of the songs

you could modernise an old play. Or you could mix all genres, but don't make it too messy. For example a love romance with the girl being an investigator, her boyfriends is put at thescene for everyone but turns out it her all along. OHHH TWIST!!!!!!!!!!! **sorry if my ideas aren't mature, I am only 14**