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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Can you be an actor with a crappy memory?

Question:No, but you do not have a crappy memory, you have memorized lots of things, like your address and phone number, the words to songs you like, etc, etc. Like the gal says, it is choice. If you choose to memorize, you will. I have written a two page article on how to learn lines, let me know if you want a copy.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No, but you do not have a crappy memory, you have memorized lots of things, like your address and phone number, the words to songs you like, etc, etc. Like the gal says, it is choice. If you choose to memorize, you will. I have written a two page article on how to learn lines, let me know if you want a copy.

It worked for Marlon Brando, he refused to memorize lines for the original Superman movie. There's a bit where he's holding Superman as a baby and giving that long goodbye speech, but the lines are being read off the babies diaper. Go figure.

It could be harder for you to break into the industry

there is always improv

I don't know for sure but what was said about marlon brando would probably not be accseptable (sorry I cant spell that) for someone who wasn't famous. Celebs Always Have Diva Tantrums, but i guess not being able to learn lines would be a very bad thing for aspiring acots (especially not in theartre lol - not screen with the words on it there!)


Well, memory is choice. You can choose whether or not you're going to remember something. So, unless you're an improv actor, you need to choose to remember your lines, blocking, etc...
