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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Duet for an Audition Song?

Question:Okay, here's the thing!
I'm auditioning for a show this Tuesday (the 25th). The show is basically a bunch of broadway show songs from over the last 100 years.... kind of a.... tribute to broadway history!
I'm in desperate crunch time to find a song to sing at the audition, because I was only notified of the audition a day or so ago.
I take voice lessons, and one of the songs I'm singing right now as a duet is "In His Eyes" from Jekyll and Hyde. I really like the song's note range, and I find I can sing it both comfortably and confidently!
Do you think it would be okay for me to sing it at the audition, if I sang both Emma and Lucy's parts, and where the notes harmonized, I sang the melody?
The parts really dont really interlap all that much in the song. When I practice at home I sing both parts and it sounds fine, I've been told. What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, here's the thing!
I'm auditioning for a show this Tuesday (the 25th). The show is basically a bunch of broadway show songs from over the last 100 years.... kind of a.... tribute to broadway history!
I'm in desperate crunch time to find a song to sing at the audition, because I was only notified of the audition a day or so ago.
I take voice lessons, and one of the songs I'm singing right now as a duet is "In His Eyes" from Jekyll and Hyde. I really like the song's note range, and I find I can sing it both comfortably and confidently!
Do you think it would be okay for me to sing it at the audition, if I sang both Emma and Lucy's parts, and where the notes harmonized, I sang the melody?
The parts really dont really interlap all that much in the song. When I practice at home I sing both parts and it sounds fine, I've been told. What do you think?

it sounds like you love the song and i say DO IT!!

your love for the song will shine through. no need to explain yourself. (as a director i hate when people have to explain why they are singing a certain song, why their voice sounds bad, why they don't know the words...etc, etc.)

it's a great song...sing it well, sing it proud!!

break-a-leg at your audition!!!!!

Why not do it? Rather inventive on your part, imho. If you're comfortable and can really sell the song without being tripped up w/any technicalities re: changes, I say go for it!

Break a leg!

I think you'll be great! Break a leg :)

See if you can get your vocal teacher to run it as a solo with you once before you audition. She'll be able to help you with a few changes that'll need to be made so it can better flow as a solo.

Also when you audition tell the director that you are doing the duet as a solo. And make sure you have a reason of why you're doing the duet- besides the fact that you only have that song under your belt and you just found out about the audition. Even if it's a fake bs reason ["i just love the emotional journey of this song. and i love how as a solo, it's able to show the vast range of feelings one experiences in love" etc].

Break a Leg!

Hey, Lindze!!

I think that would be fine. I mean, they aren't particularly looking at the parts you're singing more of if you sound good. I've heard you and you're amazing so I'm sure you'll do greattt! Good luck!