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Question:I am currently rehearsing for a musical and I am faced with the daunting stage kiss. I have kissed people before but I am slightly inexperienced. How do I do it? I am nervous! please help me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am currently rehearsing for a musical and I am faced with the daunting stage kiss. I have kissed people before but I am slightly inexperienced. How do I do it? I am nervous! please help me!

Kiss like you regularly would. The point is so that it looks real. And all my wishes that you get a hottie to kiss! = )

A kiss onstage is no different that a kiss in real life. It's still a kiss. It's up to the director to decide how "big" a kiss it is and how mushy.

A stage kiss is like any other kiss. Talk to your director, ask him/her if it should be a really intense kiss or just a peck on the lips. If it's not meant to be a really intense kiss don't try to slip tounge in. It would just make things really awkward for you and the other person involved. Make it LOOK convincing, that's what acting is all about.


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The most important thing in a stage kiss is that you discuss it with your partner first so that both of you know to what extent the kiss will go. It is very unprofessional to agree on a simple kiss and then go too far. I was fortunate to have an excellent Kate to my Petruchio in Taming of the Shrew and we fought and kissed well because we had a history of being in plays together (we were boyfriend / girlfriend in the previous season's An Ideal Husband) and we trusted each other. Our partners at home knew it and were fine with watching us kiss. I was unfortunate enough to have to kss someone several times in Brigadoon whose husband was not thrilled with the prospect of her having to kiss someone else.

At one point, you just have to do it and stop bringing the action to a halt and mumbling "and ... then we *a-hem ... kiss" and continue the dialogue. DO IT! This is one of the advantages of going in to acting ;-)

Practice, practice, and more practice

it's just like any other kiss. You should be happy, because in real life, the other person can say no to the kiss, but in theatre, they have to kiss you!

Sit down with the director and the person you are kissing and discuss it. Once you all have an understanding of what is everyone's expectations and limitations, then start practicing the kiss. I cannot stress that enough. The more you practice the kiss in rehearsal, the easier it will be in front of an audience.

There is a technique called "a stage kiss" that is a fake kiss, but well masked from the audience. Your answers and your director should know about this. And the stage is quite fake in many ways (as is film, but well disquised) so don't worry about faking it. Now if no-one knows how to do this, let's try it. The male embraces the female and as he bends to 'kiss' her, he turns her slightly upstage and they put their cheeks together with their heads masqued by the turn and their bodies. It has been 50 years, but I think that is how it goes. Rehearse it and I bet it works.