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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Looking for some theater plays?

Question:So I wanna help out my old high school.
The theater director asked me to find a few plays that we could possibly use. I;ve been looking all over the internet and I cant really find a website of something to give me a list of all types of plays.
Either dramtic or black comedy or mystery that involves muder etc.. anything will do.
Just not a musical, they JUST finished with one.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So I wanna help out my old high school.
The theater director asked me to find a few plays that we could possibly use. I;ve been looking all over the internet and I cant really find a website of something to give me a list of all types of plays.
Either dramtic or black comedy or mystery that involves muder etc.. anything will do.
Just not a musical, they JUST finished with one. is one of the major publishers. You can search by type of play or amount of characters. Dramatists Play Service is another. They are probably the two most major for non-musicals.

Well, for starters what size of school production and cast are we looking at?? This is key in picking a production. I suggest Pioneer Productions they tend to have a lot...
I have been in a few Murder mysteries and choosing those depends on the audience and what sort of participation you want from them.
Ever done a melodrama? They are fun especially if you have talented actors, and a lively crowd. They are corny but that is the fun part.
My best of luck to you!

check out playscripts. com. There's TONS of stuff on there.