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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does copying notes help memorizing?

Question:Yes, copying notes does help in memorizing.

but what i suggest is to read aloud with them but to put away what you just did, see what you can remember then go back to it and fix the imperfections that you need to rehearse.

That is what my theatre professor tells us. the only way to memorize is to repeat, remember,practice, perfect!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes, copying notes does help in memorizing.

but what i suggest is to read aloud with them but to put away what you just did, see what you can remember then go back to it and fix the imperfections that you need to rehearse.

That is what my theatre professor tells us. the only way to memorize is to repeat, remember,practice, perfect!

Of course... But if you really want to have fun memorizing, you should study mnemonics. There is a good book by Lucas.

High school and college seems to be mostly about memorizing facts. I'd get a good book and discover how to do it right.

Hi Kuka. Yes! The more areas of your brain that you can engage, the more likely that you will learn and be able to recall what you learned.

Copying notes employs the visual cortex and the motor cortex of the brain. If you 'talk to yourself' while you copy, you can also add the auditory cortex to your brain memory patterns.

Best wishes and good luck.

everybody learns in differenr ways so it is hard to say. just experiment a lot. and thats really it because its hard to generalize with this. sry.

Yes it does. I can tell you this from experience.
In writing, you don't just passively review the material, but the fine muscle movements you use in transcribing it reinforce the information in your memory. Reading the notes out loud can have a similar effect.

Yes. But it's also helpful just to read the material over and over again. I like to chop lines into segments, especially long monologues. It helps.

Yes, it involves tactical physo-motor skills that help you absorb in left and right brain.