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Question:What r open casting calls? and how do they help? and what do you need? and where u find them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What r open casting calls? and how do they help? and what do you need? and where u find them?

Open casting calls are auditions that are basically open the public (any actor within the area).

(not necessarily in this order. All calls are different)

The actors all come to the place where the auditions are held, hopefully wearing proper attire (clothes you can move in.... not jeans).
Usually the crowd gets kinda big so it's not a private audition where it's just you and the director (or people who run the show).

If it's a musical, you need a song prepared, usually a verse and a chorus, or they have a song for you. Usually they let you warm up first, or if they already had the song for you, they let you run through it a couple of times before your audition.

Then they probably will a have a dance that you'd have to perform, it's about a one minute to two minute routine.

Finally, you have to read.
This one is a bit tricky:
Always have a monologue tucked away somewhere in your mind, because they might ask you to perform it. It's a bit unlikely but it's happened to me before!
They might ask you to perform whats called a Cold Reading.
This is when you have little time to go over the scene before you can perform it.
*****If they dont ask to see you audition again, don't freak out. That doesn't mean you didn't make the character you auditioned for. It's just that they saw what they wanted to see.
*****And if they do want to see you again, that doesn't mean you got that part. They may just want to see you again.

(not necessarily in this order. All calls are different)

My favorite!
It's totally different than Theater, but just as much fun! For this always bring a headshot and a resume. It shows that you are professional and ready to go!

Also for an open call for film, you need to dress the part as well. Avoid "T-shirts" and ripped jeans and flip flops . Try not to wear "patterny" shirts, it's very disrtacting.

You will most likely need to have a monologue or two memorized. And you will probably read a side, which is a scene from the movie. These open calls are usually a private audition, Which means it's just you and the director (and his assosiciates). There will probably be a camcorder, because they'll have loads of other people they have to see and there is just no way they can remember your face (it's not to say you weren't good or anything, it's just a fact)

Anyway, in this field a call back is GOOD! Out of all those people, they thought that YOU had potential to play that role.
When you go to that try to do the same thing you did before, That's what they liked last time, so why not this time???

Things NOT to do....
Say "I wanna be famous!"
Chew Gum
Ask the director if you did good
Ask the director any personaly questions (i.e "hows your wife?)

******** ALWAYS! ALWAYS KNOW WHAT YOU'RE AUDITIONING FOR.... it is very embarrassing when you don't know what the show is about, and very unprofessional***********

Best place to find them- the most legit places are in the newspaper. Or through an agent. The internet is kinda sktchy because of so many scams and such!
Sorry for the uber long messege.... but you asked for it :-)

Best of Luck!

open casting calls, are open to the puplic, it can get you parts that will up your experience and give some things to put on your resume. i've never been to one but i think you'll need a monologue prepared maybe two, probably need to bring your headshot and resume. you can find them at certian websites (the addresses escape me), and maybe in your newspaper

Your answereres left out something important. You need experience and training to have a decent resume. So do all the school plays and take some acting classes. First. then look for casting calls.