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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What's your favorite musical and song from that musical, and why?

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Oooh, definitely "One Day More" from Les Misérables. There are so many different parts intertwining (Eponine, Cosette/Marius, Valjean, Javert, the Thénardiers, etc.). So many emotions and sub-plots to follow. Yes, sometimes it is confusing!

Les Misérables is just a classic musical. The fact that the book by the same title in the 1800's is just a tribute to how truly timeless it is.

But you really get a sense of passion and feeling from those characters. Most of them are looking towards the rise of the barricades- in anticipation and hesitation.

"One Day More" is also a very good representation of what the musical is about- love both returned and unrequited, courage, passion, dirty little secrets, and how it all comes together in the culmination of the first act. It's the 'show-stopping number', so to speak, and it really does stop the show.

"Tomorrow we'll discover/What our God in heaven has in store/One more dawn/One more day/One day more!"


so much better -leaglly blonde
defy gravity-wicked
it takes two-hairspray
idk why i just like them

Cell Block Tango-Chicago

You know, some guys just can't hold their arsenic!

Legally blonde
What you want :]

Sweeney Todd - Pretty much every song. They're all amazing, and I can't decide!

Assassins - The Ballad of Booth and Unworthy of Your love

Into the Woods - No One is Alone and Agony

West Side Story - Tonight, Somewhere, and America

Avenue Q - It Sucks to Be Me, There's A Fine, Fine Line, Everyone's a Little Bit Racist, and If You Were Gay

Sunday in the Park With George - Every song

The Phantom of the Opera - Once again, I can't decide

Those are just my favourite songs from my favourite shows, I have a lot more favourite songs from shows I'm not obsessed with. =]]

Favorite musical of all time is HAIRSPRAY!!!
i lovedd it!
Best musical ever.
And the best song.. well they're all pretty awesome, but i love welcome to the 60's!


My Favorite musical is probably Tanz der Vampire.
My favorite song is Totale Finsternis, form the same musical.

Here's a full clip -
And a short clip -

Dude. What kind of question is? It's too harrrrrd. xP
So I'd have to say:

From Seussical: It's Possible, Solla Sollew, Havin' a Hunch, and All for You are my ultimate favorites, but that musical just rocks as a whole!
Why? the songs are ADORABLE and the lyrics rhyme but actually make sense. Plus, the musical actually has some nice messages.

From Spring Awakening: Whispering, Mamma Who Bore Me, Song of Purple Summer, and, again, many others
Why? Okay, the lyrics don't always make sense, but the instrumentals are lovely and the songs sound so pretty <3

My Strongest Suit from Aida, cos it's just so funny.

And there are many others, but those are my most recent obsessions.

Wicked, I love all the songs, especially No Good Deed, Defying Gravity, The Wizard and I, As Long As Your Mine, and I'm Not That Girl. All the songs in Wicked are so different from each other and they sound so cool.

<}:~) *Defy Gravity*

well, i love too many musicals to pick just one! Here are some...
1. Blood Brothers- Tell Me It's Not True & Shoes Upon The Table
2. Wicked- Defying Gravity & I'm Not That Girl & For Good
3. Hairspray (movie)- Without Love
4. Avenue Q- There's A Fine Fine Line & What Do You Do With A BA In English?
5. Mary Poppins (stage musical)- Supercalifragilicitexpealitocious (sp?)

I have tons more, but no more time.

Tomorrow from Annie and Anything from Oliver. We grew up with these orphan movies, i think as kids we thought - this is how other people live their lives, breaking into song at the drop of a hat!! i suppose this is appealing to adults and children alike

wicked-defying gravity
hairspray-you cant stop the beat, without love or ladies choice
cats-Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer
joseph-pharaohs dream explained or benjamin calypso
billy elliot-electricity
mamma mia-mamma mia (lol)
west side story-america
sound of music-sound of music (lol again)
fiddler on the roof-matchmaker
annie-easy street, NYC or i think im gonna like it here
oliver-id do anyfink or oompapa

On my own, Master of the house, or Finale-- Les Miserables

I couldn't choose, It was hard just to narrow it down to three. I like On my own because it's pretty much the story of my life. There is a girl who is in love with a boy who's in love with another girl. So the first girl sings a song about how she imagines that he's there and he loves her but then she realizes she's just fooling herself that he doesn't love her. She ends up being very heartbroken and sad but she still loves him despite the fact that he doesn't return the feelings.

I chose Master of the House because I love the beat and it's just an overall funny song. It always makes me laugh and it's just a fun song.

The Finale is an amazing song, in this part of the musical, the main guy has just died and he goes to heaven and this is what everyone is singing. Some of the lyrics are

"Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? Do you hear the people sing? Say, do you hear the distant drums? It is the future that they bring when tomorrow comes!"

It gives me chills every time I hear them. It's about standing for what you believe in and what you know is right no matter what. It's such a hopeful song because it talks about the world beyond the barricades, and the barricades if you don't know is where a lot of people died and it's just a terrible part of the musical but there is a world past the pain and suffering and tomorrow will always come so if you're in a hard part in your life, there is more afterwards and tomorrow will always come and bring fresh hope.