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Question:hey, i have an audition on thursday for tresure islands i really need some advice to be louder and less shy. can you help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hey, i have an audition on thursday for tresure islands i really need some advice to be louder and less shy. can you help?

First of all, think of the worst that could happen.
It isn't that bad, is it!

Now, you have to audition in front of someone, more than one if you can, and often, before you actually do the audition. So you are very familiar and can get feedback.

Before the audition, take several very deep breaths through your nose. Tell yourself, "I am the greatest actor that ever lived"

Then, when doing the audition, pretend that your audience is a little deaf and that they can't hear you properly. You want to be heard, don't you?

Also, tell yourself that you have chosen to do this, and if you don't give it your best shot, you will feel disappointed in yourself.

Once you get going, imagine you are in front of the people you auditioned before in front of, in your own home.

Think of what your strengths are for the audition. Give yourself credit.

Audition if you can before the actual audition, in front of someone. Be ready. Make it like brushing your teeth. Videotape yourself if you can and watch it.

If you really want this, don't let yourself down.
Give yourself a shot at it.

Break a leg!

just think wwlcd?

is that like a movie or something? What part are you auditioning for? I guess just be confident and don't let them know ur nervous, don't get any feelings mixed, just think that this is the opportunity of a lifetime and that u won't let it go. I wish u a lot of luck.

Hey honey,

I've always been very shy and quiet but acting changed that over time. Like someone else said, the worst that can happen, is not that bad.

I'll just tell you my experience since it's the best I can offer you, I hope it's helpful. In terms of being louder: DON'T YELL. I've done it, and I've read with people who did it and it just doesn't work. It sounds fake and annoying. it's tiring and distracting. I don't know if you sing, but if you do: talk like you sing. Project up and out of the front of your face, not out of throat. You'll probably feel you sound silly, and possibly younger, but this is a much better option then yelling. Remember it doesn't matter how good you are if they can't hear it.

As far as being shy, I walk into auditions pretending I'm not. You're an actor right? I know it sounds dumb and silly, but if you're shy, act like you're not. I know it's harder then that, but it's something I have learned over time and it has been very helpful. Sometimes it makes you feel less nervous if you sit down and talk to someone else who looks shy while you wait. Sometimes it beaks the ice if you make a little (I mean LITTLE) silly remark.

Lastly, I often make my audition, not only about me, but also about whoever else is there: the director, the other person I'm reading with, whoever. Make their day. Make the director smile. Do something to make the person you're reading with look good. You not only look like an actor who can cooperate, but it also makes you stop thinking about yourself, and start thinking about other people, resulting in you being less nervous.

I know this all sounds kind of weird, and maybe complicated,, but they are very simple things that you can try. they've worked for me, and if you put just one or two into practice when you arrive at your audition on thursday, you'll be a big step ahead of where you are right now :)

Hope it goes well!