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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> TEACHiNG MYSELF HOW TO ACT?????

Question:i really want to start acting but rite now my family cant afford to have me take acting there anyway to teach myself for now???? does anybody have any tips for me to start???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i really want to start acting but rite now my family cant afford to have me take acting there anyway to teach myself for now???? does anybody have any tips for me to start???

Here is a great acting excerise that i loveee to do and it's quite frankly FREE!

Okay so go to you're favorite tv show and of course you know the characters well. So become those characters. Then turn on the closed caption and read out the lines the way you feel your character might say them. You can do this with mute on to do it your own way. Or have the volume on to hear how the actor for the show has made their way of saying the line.

make sure you LISTEN to what the character opposite the one you are is saying. So if you are bob. And ralph is talking to you, listen to him like he is right infront of you and read your line very quickly,, look at ralph on the tv screen and tell him.

do community or school shows, it really helps.
you also get feedback from your teachers and people your age.

Well, depending on the city/state you live in, there's always opportunities somewhere, even if you can't "afford" it. If your school has anything, definitely start there. Audition for plays (school or community) because being in a show (and even just auditioning for one) can teach you things.
On your own, though, you should go see live performances (at schools, in the community, etc) and watch movies. If you focus on the actors and what they're doing technique wise, it can give you hints and tips.
There are also books on acting, but it's better to see examples and practice.

cry yourself to sleep! (it helps!!!!!) :-)
be as dramatic as possible
and do not let anybody push you around!

Show them that you are a tiger and no one will mess with you!!!

I could you help you to find out solution how to become an actor