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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> New York or L.A.?

Question:I'm trying to pursue my acting career after high school, and I'm thinking about moving to either New York or L.A. I really enjoy theatre but would like to do more film stuff. So idk help me...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm trying to pursue my acting career after high school, and I'm thinking about moving to either New York or L.A. I really enjoy theatre but would like to do more film stuff. So idk help me...

Los Angeles offers more opportunities in film/tv. Being right out of high school, you'll be the perfect age to audition for numerous projects. If you have a good look (along with the talent), you can work. Being young will be an asset for you. L.A. has stage work too but not as much as New York.

New York is great for theater actors. The work in tv/film is not as plentiful in New York but you can make a living. No matter what city you choose, make sure your skills as an actor are up to par. That means get in a good acting class. The competition is stiff. Good luck!

Definitely not saying you can't book anything in NY, however L.A would have more opportunities as far as film. Broadway, live theater and such is based more in NY. Film, T.V, etc in L.A. Just figure out which you would enjoy pursuing.

Good Luck with that!

I hope to move out to L.A in June!

It all depends on you. If you feel like you want to pursue your plays and broadway side of acting, go to New York. If you want to pursue your filming and television side of acting, then go to LA. Personally, I'd go to LA, but it's ALL your choice. Good luck!

The posters already were right. NY is really good for theatrical people but many movies are shot there and they're always looking for local talents in the area. LA is good for film. I wouldn't want to move out to either though unless I have a few jobs to go to out there and you can contact agencies(SAG agencies, any others have a good chance of being scammers) from their website to find SAG agencies in your area or NY/LA. Cuz seriously everyone wants to be an actor in LA, to just move right out there right out of high school you're just another face in the crowd. Just be willing to travel to either when/if you get a job!