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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why does it happen every time?

Question:I am the wicked witch of the west in my school play, the wizard of oz! But...When we did the awards assembly, my play was gunna do the munchkin scene as a presentation, but i was too sick to go! And whenever we have sersious rehearsals that i have to attend im to sick for that! How do i know I wont be sick for opening night? And why does it happen every time?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am the wicked witch of the west in my school play, the wizard of oz! But...When we did the awards assembly, my play was gunna do the munchkin scene as a presentation, but i was too sick to go! And whenever we have sersious rehearsals that i have to attend im to sick for that! How do i know I wont be sick for opening night? And why does it happen every time?

Your sickness sounds psychosomatic and self-inflicted. Do you get better right after the time for the rehearsal or performance? You're psyching yourself up so much that you're imagining fears that aren't there. EVEN IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE GOING TO THROW UP, GO TO THE NEXT "SERIOUS REHEARSAL." Just make yourself go and tough it out. It'll make it easier to go to the next one and it won't "happen every time" anymore.

Coincidence! Don't give up! It is NOT you!

are u getting really nervous? i get sick alot in my plays too, infact, i got sick right on the day of auditions and now im not in this years play :(

Possible stage fright, a fear of performing in front of others. You may wish to perfect you role so much and do such a good job you may make yourself sick focusing on that too much as well.