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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why do we never see anyone smoking a cigarette in British TV soap operas?

Question:We used to see Deidre smoking regularly but the smoking ban has put paid to that...
British TV does not reflect real life ...People smoke and some soaps need a dose of reality....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: We used to see Deidre smoking regularly but the smoking ban has put paid to that...
British TV does not reflect real life ...People smoke and some soaps need a dose of reality....

Cos of the smoking ban

We do, very often.....

It's illegal

Dot still smokes as does Max (Eastenders)

Dot Cotton still smokes, whilst smoking no longer goes on in the pubs, it is not banned on performance sets and stages, if it is justifiably part of the scene.

We do still but in the past few months it has decreased because of the smoking ban.

I am surprised they don't show people smoking, I don't watch them, but when I did, there were always people smoking.

because of the brilliant brilliant idea that is the smoking ban (I'm not being sarcastic i love the smoking ban cos smokers are idiots and before anyone has a go at me my mum is a smoker so that's y i don't liker smoking i don't want her dead)

The same reason as all blacks and asians are cast as dynamic high flyers or as victims of white racism.Especially on BBC,the leftist government mouthpiece.They use the shows to indoctrinate the great unwashed that watch these soaps.

coz if people smoked on TV it would look "cool" and encourage smoking. same reason they're not allowed to put people looking cool on the cigarette ads.

Because its a way of trying to prevent young people smoking, the untrendy ones smoke but the cool ones wouldn't be seen dead smoking on screen as a way of trying to provide positive role models, never mind the fact they sleep with other people's husbands etc, smoking should be the least of their problems!

Dot Cotton smokes like a chimney!

Because many adults watch them with kids and like they want their kids to see that.

smoking is socially unaccepted in modern Britain and soap operas reflect that mood. A good thing in my opinion.

Why do you think? doh.

cos its a bad advertisement for smoking, that endangers health, so British TV has stopped showing smoking.