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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are the things needed in a movie to be fit to be shown in a theatre?

Question:lets just say i made a movie. what are the criteria that has to be built in a movie so that i can put it on a theatre? i mean fps wise or format wise or whatever wise.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: lets just say i made a movie. what are the criteria that has to be built in a movie so that i can put it on a theatre? i mean fps wise or format wise or whatever wise.

There are several small theatres that show independant films so find out where they are in your area, and ask them directly. If you're sending the film to festivals contact them to ask for thier requirements. It'll be alot easier for people to see your movie if you are equipted for the places that show them. Don't guess, ask :)

Obviously depends on the theatre. 24 fps is standard, and 16:9 is quickly becoming standard. Find what device you will be using to display you're movie. You'll get a better idea of what format you'll need.
Most DVD players will play a Quicktime movie file