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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Show-Biz for a girl my age... PLZ HELP!!!!! (acting audtions......?

Question:Is there any print modeling or acting auditions for a girl around 10-12 years old? Acting as in commercials, ect. Doesn't have to be movies and big time stuff. Even extras are even better!!! Thanks in advance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is there any print modeling or acting auditions for a girl around 10-12 years old? Acting as in commercials, ect. Doesn't have to be movies and big time stuff. Even extras are even better!!! Thanks in advance!

it would help if I knew where you were.

Try finding out about things in your area. Do your research and audition for anything and everything. A lot of times there are notices posted places about movies coming that need extras. I don't know where you are, but where I am there is a website that has it posted.