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Question:Today my drama teacher gave me this slip to audition for a high-level theater class when I start high school next yet as a freshman. I was going to do choir, but I think theater might be more benefitial to me as a speaker and leader in the workplace, though I have no aspirations to become an actress. Still, I'm in love with film and drama, but will it give me anything beyond pleasure as a future member of the corporate world? Anything you know might help. Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Today my drama teacher gave me this slip to audition for a high-level theater class when I start high school next yet as a freshman. I was going to do choir, but I think theater might be more benefitial to me as a speaker and leader in the workplace, though I have no aspirations to become an actress. Still, I'm in love with film and drama, but will it give me anything beyond pleasure as a future member of the corporate world? Anything you know might help. Thanks

I'm an ex-corporate guy (Nike & Levi's) turned actor, author, motivational speaker, host, seminar leader.

Having spent many years in the corporate world and still consulting for companies today, I can tell you that, yes, what you learn in acting classes can be of help to you. They can give you greater self-awareness: many corporate people aren't good communicators for example. They think that talking and communicating are the same thing. They obviously are not. Acting classes will help you to enrich your communication skills.

Acting classes can also help increase your level of self-esteem. You could very well feel a lot more sure of yourself. That is important for a leader. If a person in a leadership position doesn't exude confidence in herself, then no one will want to follow her. This is also important for a speaker. In the corporate world, you will find yourself in situations very often in which you will have to convince people of things. If you are not sure of yourself, then that will be difficult.

Another important thing that acting can do for you, if you have a good teacher, is it can help you develop your creativity. I have been taught that if you are not creative and observant of what is going on around you and if you do not develop your 'suitcase full of instruments', then you won't be a very compelling actor. Creativity in the corporate world is extremely important to stay one step ahead of the competition. Also as an actor, you must be creative as a business person, in order to make sure you stand out among the competition. You have to think of creative ways to do that or you will end up just being a number and get lost in the sea of people who want acting work.

Since you mentioned becoming a speaker, you might have a look at a few pages I put together on the subject of how to build and deliver an effective presentation. .

Good luck!


I know you're really hesitant to become an actress but give it a shot and you might find you have a hidden talent. My first play opened around Christmas 2006 and I found out I wasn't good with it. But I was inspired to audition by a friend and my drama teacher. So gve it a shot and people might think you have a flair for acting. If that doesn't work, then at least you gave it a try and that's what you should feel proud of. Good luck.

i think that it will. i personally plan on being an actress, and so i am trying to soak up as much drama and speech classes as i can. i think that it does help you bcuz here is an example (true story!):
*Yesterday, i had to do a presentation in one of my classes with my bff since pre-k and a guy who didnt pay attn and do much. the guy got like an 85 cuz you could kinda tell he didnt put much work into it. my bff and i both got 100 bcuz we totally rock (lol) but on mine, he wrote that i presented it very well and not on hers. she used to be in musicals and stuff, but she quit the play to do s-ball this spring! answer your question.....i think so VERY much! I hope that I have helped you!

I would say theatre would be more helpful than choir, Like you said it will help you with public speaking and really feeling comfortable in front of tons of people. Also when you start doing play reading and getting into studying characters, it will help you learn about people in the real world, you'll start to notice body language, tone of voice and you'll be able to read people in your everyday life, if you can do this you can really get into the emotions of any person and you'll learn how to communicate so much better and be able to make them more comfortable speaking with you. It's good that you know what you want to do with this art, because so many people do theatre thinking they'll be discovered and become famous. That is extremely rare and very difficult, theatre isn't a high paying career and you should only pursue it if it's in your blood and you love doing it more than anything else on earth. Good Luck!!