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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> My dream is to act but i need experience, what to do? classes are cheaper than s

Question:my dream job ever since i was a kid was to act on the big screen. i am now 18 but there are no acting classes near me so im wondering, how can i get experience? esepcially if no theatres are auditoning? i would go to ny ca anywhere big like that but i dont have the money. so pelase what should i do so i can start living my lifelong dream job?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: my dream job ever since i was a kid was to act on the big screen. i am now 18 but there are no acting classes near me so im wondering, how can i get experience? esepcially if no theatres are auditoning? i would go to ny ca anywhere big like that but i dont have the money. so pelase what should i do so i can start living my lifelong dream job?

The best thing I have found for any dream to come true is to take your current circumstances, and to live as if that dream were already true. For example, if you wanted to be a singer, then you would be learning how to properly warm up your voice. You could read about performance, stage presence, tone, melodies, harmonies, take voice lessons...etc... Would you only sing in the shower, or would you sing in your car, while you are in the grocery store, while walking at the park, etc...

In your case, who is the nearest person to you that is dramatic, that has acting experience? Often, you don't have to go as far away as you think in order to start the process. Is there a high school drama class that would need some assistance? I would contact the nearest high school or college theatre professors and ask what resources they have.

If you need experience, then when you go out shopping, act a different role. First observe a certain character that fascinates you. Study their behavior. Then apply it. There are so many different people in this world, that your field of study is everywhere in public. And have fun. Act as though you are already a successful actor and in time, you will be exactly where you want to be!

Audition for shows nd keep a look ot for agencies in your area.

Go to LA and get a job as a waiter like all of the other thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people with the exact same dream. 99% of whom will still not be on the big screen and still serving food when they're 60.

Join an online agency like StarNow. It only costs a small amount to audition for loads of parts over a long period of time (It depends on which payment you go for). Just carry on auditioning and eventually you may get a callback. Put a pic of yourself on your profile for better results.
Search for classes in your area or a workshop/ summer course etc.

Are there any community theatre type places near you?
Also, you could read monolouges on your own, just for practice,not sure if that could help you.

Most towns no matter how small have agents nearby. Try looking online.

Try connecting Via Craig's list or yahoo in your area with people of the same interest, with even one other person , you can at lease start ... structured "Monologues" and practicing your " Chops"... then continue investigating audition options and availability. And when theatrical productions come to your town.... Go seek out the "Production manager" and/or the
second seated performer (the actors there to back up the billed
performer) and get to know them. Good luck.

If there are community theatres near you, participate in them. Start saving for a move to a place where you can get established as an actor such as Dallas, Denver or Atlanta. Don't know where you live, but it would have helped.