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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I want to become an actress but my parents wont let me?

Question:im 15 and i have been begging my parents for years
but they think its just stupid i have researched so mush and feel i know everything i can possibly know and my friends say im very beliveable and i havent even took classes but i do practice all the time in real life and on my camra but i still want to take acting classes any tips on how to tell my parents its my dream and they should let me do it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im 15 and i have been begging my parents for years
but they think its just stupid i have researched so mush and feel i know everything i can possibly know and my friends say im very beliveable and i havent even took classes but i do practice all the time in real life and on my camra but i still want to take acting classes any tips on how to tell my parents its my dream and they should let me do it?

Take a drama class at school, join your community theatre, bring books home about different acting techniques, heck just starting staging shows in your living room. If all you ever talk about, read about and do is acting, maybe they'll see you really are serious about this and support you.

Because you need your family's support if you want to do this. It is hard, depressing, soul crushing work to try and make it as an actor, but for those who live, breathe and love the work it is rewarding beyond all comparison when you get it.

And if your parents won't let you be involved in acting no matter what you say or try and do, than try and get in through the back door. Take dance lessons, singing, or get involved with the school band which are all very useful talents for an actress to have.

Acting is so much more than being famous or rich, and in fact those are stupid, naive reasons to try and get into this art. So make sure you're doing it for the love of it, not the idea. Maybe when you actually get to do it on a real stage or screen- you won't like it after all (and wouldn't that be a good thing to hint to your parents so that they'll at least let you try...)

In three years, you can do as you please. Acting is a tough business to get into, and even tougher to make a lot of money at, but you are certainly at liberty to try it -- later.

I think that all parents want the best for their kids- even though they are not always right. Have you tried to sit them down and REALLY have a heart to heart with them? If you have then you may have to try and do it all on your own...Acting is very hard to break into, you need to have a thick skin and alot of financial support. Since you have 3 years until you turn 18, you may want to start saving up now. There are always things that you could start at, local theater, even modeling agencies have an acting division. Plus there are always open calls & castings that you could goto to get your foot in the door, BUT, since you are under age you will need a parental consent to do any of these things.
You should follow your heart, if you are that passionate about it then you should at least try. Get some solid information together and present it to your parents to show them that you have taken the time to really look into things. Let them know that you want to at least try so that you don't regret it later in life, other wise you will spend the rest of your life with the "I wonder what would have happened ifs..."
Good luck to you and I would love to hear how things work out for you!!

What exactly are you asking? You mean your parents won't move the family to Los Angeles so that you can pursue acting with no classes or experience? Well, I don't blame them. No one is going to take someone seriously who talks all the time about their "dream to be an actress" yet has never actually acted.
Do yourself a favor and stop talking about how much it's your dream, and research into some local classes and community theatres. Ask your parents if you can sign up for a class and audition for a show, when it comes up. If they say no, then you'll just have to wait until you're 18.

It ain't all glamor and sunshine. Did you know the average actor earns less than $7,000 a year? Check out the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) website.

I feel the same way! I want to become an actress, but I drop hints and my mum just takes it without thinking!?

Most parents don't want their kids to become actors because they think that it wont work out.Every parent wants their child to get a good education and a good job.So what you do is make a plan.Get a good education and don't drop out of school just to be an actor.Show your parents that you have a plan.Its my dream and passion to become an actress as well so I know what its like.Just remember that the only dreams that are lost are the ones you don't fight for.Get involved, try-out for community plays and school plays.If you need anymore info just add me.I hope this helps.

Oh I'm so sorry. Acting is one of my greatest passions. They are just trying to protect you from the mean business. In three years when they see your name in lights they will go Holy crap, we should have let her take classes. :-)