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Question:I have read the Glass Menagerie, but I do not know when the inciting incident is. I think it is either when Amanda criticizes Tom about his eating, or when Amanda finds out that Laura has not been attending business college. help please. thx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have read the Glass Menagerie, but I do not know when the inciting incident is. I think it is either when Amanda criticizes Tom about his eating, or when Amanda finds out that Laura has not been attending business college. help please. thx

I copied this from a very informative site # Exposition - The very beginning of the play takes place in the "everyday world" of the characters. It lets the audience know what day-to-day life is like in the world of this play, gives character insights, and gives the audience information crucial to understanding the play.
# Inciting incident - Something out-of-the-ordinary that happens to get the action moving. Without the inciting incident, there would be no play. Introduces MDQ. In Menagerie, when Amanda finds out that Laura hasn't been going to typing school.
# Complications - Just what it sounds like. Obstacles that keep the protagonist from attaining his or her goal. These make the play interesting and cause the action to build. This is a cliche, but it's useful: A good play is an emotional rollercoaster. One moment the playwright tricks the audience into thinking that everything will turn out right, that a happy ending is at hand; the next, in waltzes a complication and the rollercoaster is on its way down again. But the complications must constantly build, build, build. In Menagerie, some complications include Laura's shyness, Tom's desire to live his own life, the husband who walked out on Amanda, the friction between Tom and Amanda, Laura's disability...and more.