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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> My son has audition through Pacific Modeling with an agent from innovative artis

Question:Innovative Artists is a licensed agency, so no, they're not scammers. However, I would venture a guess that it's less of an audition and more of a "look see."

BTW, IA treats its employees like crap.

Are you signed up with Pacific Modeling? They are a scam, demanding lots of money for very little.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Innovative Artists is a licensed agency, so no, they're not scammers. However, I would venture a guess that it's less of an audition and more of a "look see."

BTW, IA treats its employees like crap.

Are you signed up with Pacific Modeling? They are a scam, demanding lots of money for very little.

if they ask for a lot of money to train your son and send him to an audition or a talent show somewhere in NY or CA then they are not scam but they WILL ask for too much and give nothing instead id put him in college to learn theater arts if he is really talented that has more garantees to it.