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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I am not good actor?

Question:i am not sure if am good actor so i want your opinion about a mistake that a did.i did play on a scene live.i had memorized the worlds but suddently i forgot the worlds and i said the next words.i played first time on a scene live on about 100ppl.soz for my english

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am not sure if am good actor so i want your opinion about a mistake that a did.i did play on a scene live.i had memorized the worlds but suddently i forgot the worlds and i said the next words.i played first time on a scene live on about 100ppl.soz for my english

Actors drop lines all the time. Whether or not you're able to recover is the important thing. It sounds like you did fine.

never give up dude, :()

thats ok.. theres still another chance

Jackie Gleason the "Great One" on his Live tv show "The Honeymooners back in the 50s Dropped lines all the time. He was known for his Photographic Memory and could sit and learn a script in a matter of a few Hours, but there where times when he Blew it.
If you watch re-runs you will see him say " HUMIN-A, HUMIN_A,HUMIN_A. and quiver his lip and do a little dance. This is where he blew his lines and was stalling for time.
If the Great One Forgot Lines...I guess it makes you sorta in his class as great too.
Break A Leg and have fun with it.

i dont understand, you forgot aline so you skipped to the nextm whats the big deal, the audience dont no and aslong as they still follow and enjoy themselves who cares, you improvised...all actors do it,

Don't base your judgment of yourself as an actor on one experience. Even the best actors forget lines on occasion. I would say hang in there, keep on trying, and don't give up!