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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I want to know to do know to do high notes?

Question:I just watched phantom of the opera and I loved Christin's voice! please help! Thank you to who ever answers!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just watched phantom of the opera and I loved Christin's voice! please help! Thank you to who ever answers!

What you need to do is make sure your mouth is opened very wide vertically, and take a big breath and use your diaphragm. You probably will have to go into falsetto (don't sing from your throat), and keep it a little airy (since I'm guessing you don't sing high notes very much. It sucks to be too hard on your vocals)

When I was first starting out learning how to hit higher notes, my instructor started me out with warm ups- you can gradually raise pitches from low to as high as you can for starters.

Or the noise people make when they yawn.
You can "sing yawn" lol, I d k the term or anything- and when you hit a note when yawning at a pitch you like, just stay there.

I think when your doing high notes, its not a matter of "how to do it" wheather if you have the skill. But always keep your throat open as much as possible! : )

Pitch is in the brain. You have to really think about high notes, and how to best place them in your voice. The key to singing high notes like the ones Christine sings at the end of the song The Phantom of the Opera is really letting your voice go. It is next to impossible to sing a controlled vowell all the way up there. Just open your mouth, hear the pitch in your mind, and support the sound that comes out. After singing really high notes, you should feel a slight ache in your diaphragm/stomache muscles. If your throat is hurting instead of your diaphragm, then you are trying to control the notes too much. While singing high notes loudly and frequently can lead to a sore throat, it will not cause any lasting damage as it will if you always sing from your throat.