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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Did you like the musical Wicked?

Question:I love it..I dont know who I like the best..Megan Hilty did a really good job as G(a)linda,but Kristin is classic..Edina is probably a favorite besides what's her name,Shano--something..but yes it's good. :-)..Eden was great too (she was also great in Brooklyn the musical..check it out of you havent)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I love it..I dont know who I like the best..Megan Hilty did a really good job as G(a)linda,but Kristin is classic..Edina is probably a favorite besides what's her name,Shano--something..but yes it's good. :-)..Eden was great too (she was also great in Brooklyn the musical..check it out of you havent)


Certainly not the best. It's okay. But I like it less every time I see this question posted here. You must have missed the box below your question when you were typing it in.

It is great and very popular but I perfer Jersey Boys actually... But here is my review of Wicked if interested...

I love it but don't understand why they changed the title! My favorite part is and always has been Dorothy. Somewhere Over the Rainbow is the highlight of the show!