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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Quik im a teen actress (well on the way) i need good websites to go to?

Question:this s my dream and passion i just need to know websites i can go to for acting (in movies not theatre) please i need help....
<3 brit

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: this s my dream and passion i just need to know websites i can go to for acting (in movies not theatre) please i need help....
<3 brit

Well, I'll give you some of the most known websites, I wouldn't suggest paying for them since people call them scams (try to find an agent, instead) but here they are:
Hope I helped!

good luck on trying to become an actor lol

Brit, no web site can help you at this stage of your preparation for being an actress. Most of them just want your money. If you are still in HS, you need your parents to get you experience and training and eventually an agent. You will have to live where the agent is in order to make the auditions she gets you. All actors, stage and screen, get their basic training in stage plays, so get into some. They also are resume fodder and tell a casting director you know how to act. So don't ignore your school plays and community theatre plays for your experience and resume. I am a retired actor who helps aspiring actors for free.