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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm 13 and I'm shy, but I want to become an actress in the futur. What s

Question:do not be shy , believe youself can spend more time to study about acting or always getting audition.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: do not be shy , believe youself can spend more time to study about acting or always getting audition.

Take drama class!

Well, you just need to get to know the other people. In drama, you should all be like a drama family. I was very shy, but now I can easily talk to all of them.

I was so shy before I got into theater. I'm still shy, but I can now talk to people much more easily, and my shyness doesn't hold me back from getting parts now. I suggest getting involved in a play or musical at your school, where the pressure is lower. Most people that do theater (in my experience) are very welcoming and will help you come out of your shell a lot. Also, just being on stage was helpful for me because it proved to me that I could get in front of people and express myself. Start small, in the ensemble or the background, and as you gain confidence, go out for the bigger roles. Most importantly, you just have to keep a level head and step outside your comfort zone a little bit. A director who knows you are new to theater won't be as quick to judge you if you are quiet at first as you might think. As long as he sees you gaining confidence, he will be more willing to give you bigger roles.

drama class!!!

When I was a shy aspiring actress at 13, I opened up by joining a teen improv group at my school. I had no choice- I had to jump in and just start doing in that group! I had a blast, made friends, AND became so comfortable on stage -both in theatre and and in music recitals. Go for it! You may really surprise yourself.

I like acting too, but I am really, really shy, probably just like you. I should agree with the others when they say that you should attend acting classes. I do get nervous when performing (in school plays etc.) but there is no better feeling than pleasing the audience and having all eyes on you. By what you've said I assume you are a better actress than you think. Go ahead, take acting classes and Knock 'em dead. Hope to see your face on the big screen soon.

the best actors are the shy ones because they have so much to show...once you start doing it you will love will be one of thoes things that you are afraid to do but you will love it once you start

It depends if your shy in front of people but not on stage or if you are always shy. If it's the first one, then it doesn't matter. Both Paul Dano (Little Miss Sunshine, There will be blood) and Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean, Sweeney Todd, many other movies) are shy in real life but then come alive in front of the camera. So, you can be shy and still be an actress.