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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Memorizing a script in 2 days. i need help!!!!!?

Question:i have this really big school play on tuesday and im the 2nd lead role and i barely have any of act 2 memorized. any tips on how to memorize stuff. . . . . . . . quickly????!!????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have this really big school play on tuesday and im the 2nd lead role and i barely have any of act 2 memorized. any tips on how to memorize stuff. . . . . . . . quickly????!!????

Learning your dialogues by themselves wont work, you must at least learn some of the other's dialogues that are told near your appearance. Try and read the story many times, stop thinking on learning them just enjoy your reading and feel the words, try to think on a way to tell them, and the memory will come by itself. Another way is asking a friend or even your parents to tell the dialogues of the other characters and help you out in remembering if you get stucked with something. You can also try to remember to idea of each dialogue, no neccesarily the exact same words, and when you get the idea, you just check the words, in case it's compulsory to get the exact words, and it makes it a lot easier. Just remember to enjoy yourself, and give your best. Good luck with the play. XD

Repetition. Repetition. Repetition! Read the lines silently, then try to say them without looking at them.

Or an easier, and more fun method is to run lines with someone else. Have a friend read your cue lines and you say yours, and have him/her correct you so that it is word perfect (your stage manager and fellow actors will appreciate that).

It really depends on how you learn. A visual learner would be better off just working on reading the lines over and over again. A kinetic learner would be better off working the scene repeatedly with a partner. On their feet being in the scene. I'm an auditory learner, so I remember what I hear most often. I read my lies into a tape recorder and play them again and again, reciting along with the tape.

write down your lines, record yourself saying them and play it back to yourself, get your friends/family to help you read through lines, and lock yourself in your room just rereading them non stop. also if the play was made into a movie, watch tjhe movie and say your lines along with the actors