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Question:I have a cold and musical theatre auditions are in a week and 2 day. My nose and throat are a mess!!!!!!!!!!! Please, any suggestions are welcome!!!!! I need to fix this so i can sing without sounding like a frog!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a cold and musical theatre auditions are in a week and 2 day. My nose and throat are a mess!!!!!!!!!!! Please, any suggestions are welcome!!!!! I need to fix this so i can sing without sounding like a frog!!!!!!!

ok kind of going through the same thing right now, except im in a play and we perform on wed!

so some of theese ideas should work but not so much others...
first of all, eat in orange (vitamen c), secondly dring some GREEN tea with lemon and honey...make sure its not, hot is NOT good, i mean lukewarm is good but def not hot! that hurts your throat and makes it worse. thirdly, the coldbusrter from jamba juice has immunity boost and anti-oxidant boost, so add a vita-boost...
chicken soup is good, just make sure its not too hot!
and the medicene
theres a box that comes with dayquil and nyquil pills, this way you can take one in the morning and one at night

hope all goes well
best of wishes to you

SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!! that is the best thing you can do. get as much sleep as possible it will help it go away.

i find that steam helps. so take a nice longer hot shower. and lemon and honey tea; 1 tbsp of honey and a tbsp of lemon in some black tea helps soothe the throat.

Nyquil!!! It works wonders!!!!!!

drink plenty of luke warm water or lemon juices..

hot toddies and sleep.

Jamba Juice. Coldbuster. I don't know where you are, nor do I care, but if you had to walk 10,000 miles to get to a jamba juice it would be worth it.

Drink any and all hot liquids. (Tea, Hot Chocolate, Soup, etc.) Sleep with a humidifier. REST! And make sure to take the right amounts of cold medicine. Sucking on throat lozenges wouldn't hurt, either.

Lots of vitamins (mostly c) and Tylenol severe cold (day for the auditions). Only thing that helped me. Lots of sleep also.

You can try just drinking lots of room tempreture water, although i know it hurts when your troat hurts and you have to swallow.

One of my friends, who is an opera singer, she is amazing, she has honey with some squeezed lemon in it, when she is having troat troubles, I haven't used it but my mum has, it looks nasty but apparently tastes nice (: and works a charm.

I don't know anything else you can really do, just wait until your troat has settled down a bit then start singing, if you continue, your troat will take longer to recover. Get lots of rest (: and warm up properly on the day of your audition and good luck (:

Xx <33

Some suggestions:
1. Stay away from all dairy. It can increase mucus production. 2.Get a humidifier for you room and have it going every night when you sleep.
3. Get some Throat Coat tea to drink before your audition lots of singers use it before performing.
4. Gargle with warm salt water every night

Since you already have the cold there's really nothing you can to do get rid of it other than wait it out, but you can make sure you're not extending it any longer than necessary by getting plenty of sleep, drinking lots of water and eating well.