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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Acting in a tv episode?

Question:I am probably going to win a small role on a tv show on the cw. only one episode --maybe two.
I am soooo excited.

I just need some advice from people who actually know what they are talking about please.

Will they give me the script with my lines in it and give me some time to memorize? will we rehearse this before they go into shooting? what happens from the time i get the role and the time we are done shooting the episode?

sorry im such a just not used to this stuff yet its all new. i only got a managing company to back me and started going on auditions about a month and a half ago.

im 16 by the way

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am probably going to win a small role on a tv show on the cw. only one episode --maybe two.
I am soooo excited.

I just need some advice from people who actually know what they are talking about please.

Will they give me the script with my lines in it and give me some time to memorize? will we rehearse this before they go into shooting? what happens from the time i get the role and the time we are done shooting the episode?

sorry im such a just not used to this stuff yet its all new. i only got a managing company to back me and started going on auditions about a month and a half ago.

im 16 by the way

They will send you a shooting script some days before the shoot, giving you time to memorize. Be aware that minor changes in the script can happen up to and including the shoot day.

Usually there is a brief rehearsal, but mostly for blocking.

They'll give you a call time, which will be insanely early. You'll check in, go to hair and makeup, then you'll have an area where you can wait for your call. If you're non-union, you'll probably just have a chair to sit in while you wait; if you're union, you'll probably have a room in the "honey wagon."

And then you'll wait...and wait...and wait...then they'll call you to the set for your shoot. Since you're a minor they will probably have someone to "wrangle" you (kind of like a babysitter).

After the shoot is done you'll have paperwork to fill out (sometimes they take care of this beforehand).

Break a leg!

First off a congratulations is in order :)
They'll defo. give you a script beforhand and they will give you time to rehearse it :)
good luck!