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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are some websites that have monolouges and scenes from plays?

Question:When I audition, i usually need to use monolouges and scenes from plays. so does anyone have any good sites?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When I audition, i usually need to use monolouges and scenes from plays. so does anyone have any good sites?

The internet has some things (as the previous answerer mentioned) but ... the internet is not the be all end all. In fact, cGo to the library or a bookstore (or a theatre bookstore) and find some books full of monologues. The quality will be much better than most of the junk on the internet.

google monologues... i had to find some for an audition and it was the last minute and i couldn't find my monologue book and there were some pretty good monologues avaliable.

No, you arent going to find anything worth while on the internet. You need to go to the book store get you a pad and pen and some coffee and grab all the plays off the monolougue books unless they say from plays. And sit down and flip through the book looking at the long passages.