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Question:what are good techniques to bring yourself to that emotional state?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what are good techniques to bring yourself to that emotional state?

I'd say thinking about personal experiences are dangerous - you're supposed to be in character. If a scene is supposed to make a character cry, then you should try to understand your character, his/her past leading up to this moment, and of course why he/she is crying... Another important thing is to fight the tears - this might sound stupid when you're having trouble getting them going in the first place, but personally I feel that fighting them can actually help them come - besides, most people fight tears. If you see someone in a movie or play etc. trying to keep themselves from breaking down, it tends to be a much stronger experience then them just bawling it out without any resistance. It's the same with laughter, the best comedians can be those who seem to crack up a tiny bit once in a while, before regaining control. Of course, there are exceptions, places in which this method may be wrong. You have to judge yourself. Last word - the more you get under your character's skin, the easier it will get to feel his/her emotions - however, at some point you will have to distance yourself. An actor/actress must never forget the audience, and going too deeply into a character (according to some) will once again make it too personal, the audience won't be able to follow you into your 'internal turmoil'. Keeping some distance so that you are aware of fellow actors/actresses plus the audience makes your character more alive, more visible. Ok, I'm getting way too technical, sorry. Time to call it quits.

think of a tragic personal experience, a time when you were so low you couldnt see up. or pinch yourself really hard in your pocket ;)

Thinking of something that means a lot to you. Something that is worth your tears and something that brings up a lot of emotion

I think of my old dying cat. She was 17 years old and slowly died over a week. I actually watched her being born in my basement. It was pretty sad....

start thinking of everything that can make you cry...somehow it always has to do with a dying dog and I'm bawling....but family member being alone something like that

think of something really sad like the death of someone close to you or think of times that someone has made u sad and cry that usually does it

think of emo things
things that got you, get you, or will get you upset.
caution: can bring up more than just crying

think of something terrible that happened in ur life; ie the death of a fsmily member or friend, something a boy did to u, something u regret doing.

Try pinching yourself really hard or biting your tongue if thinking of a sad memory doesn't work

Find your breaking point. What thing has made you cry... try to enter into the persona way before you're on stage so tears are almost there...

Really act as if you're in that situation...

And if everything else fails then use the old vaporub trick! Lol

- when you cry, it comes naturally on its own emotion that you feel!! or any physical causes.

-but if your trying to make your self cry, think of something very sad/emotional and something that hurts you the most that brings you to tears.

Think of something very personal that affected your life greatly... if it was the death of a loved one try holding an object that once belonged to them or keep it in your pocket & think about it. Or just get really in toutch with your character & try to feel their pain & cry for the reason's they are.

The easiest way is to delve deep into your own mind and focus on something unpleasant...a fear, an axiety, whatever...and then let your mind follow a path down a negative trail. Sadness is on that path...and tears follow. For example, if you have a beloved pet and you fear it might get out of the house and get harmed by whatever it may encounter, those thoughts could elicit tears. Its not real. But that's the thing. You are looking for real daydreaming about real fears could do the trick.

to cry on cue... you can use something like pepper or hot sauce to get into charater try and think of how you would feel if it was you n the situation

basically you have to think of something that means alot to you. like something that you would be crushed if you lost it.
and just imagine losing it like try to feel as though you are in that situation.

that is how i learned. now i can cry on cue without having to think about anything but it took me a little to figure out how. youll figure out how without thinking after a little while. hope this helped.

Actually, if you are truly acting, and truly inhabiting a character, you should not need help getting to that state. It should happen within the character. Don't rely on cheap tricks.

I agree with NYC director. As an actor, you become a character who has reason to cry. Go deeper into why the character cries, and you'll find it comes quite naturally. Another thing I found helpful in some of my characters, was to get away from the idea that I had to produce actual 'tears'. The face and voice can communicate the same anguish with or without tears.

some things that made you very sad