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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Im doing this sceen from romeo and juliet....?

Question:and me and my friend both guys btw and im not gay btw =P Are doing the balcony sceen from romeo and juliet and im gunna wear a dress (just to make it fun =P) and i was wounderin wat were dresses like back then?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: and me and my friend both guys btw and im not gay btw =P Are doing the balcony sceen from romeo and juliet and im gunna wear a dress (just to make it fun =P) and i was wounderin wat were dresses like back then?

They were long, and they generally had a high waistband. They were not real "poofy." I don't know if you live in a town that has a Party City, but you can usually find cheap costumes there. You might also call the choir director at your local high school and ask if they have done a Madrigal Dinner. If they have, they might lend you a costume!

Yew ned to lern how to spel gudder and rede bedder fore you try Shakespeare...The word is scene

most people do not know this but when shakespeare began writing his plays usually the womans rolls were really played by men. none the less it should be really funny to see you do it. i would say really ham this one up. as for the dress look up 16th century outfits on google that should give you an idea. as is said in the theater. break a leg. good luck bob

any generic Halloween costume that's categorized as "Medieval" will be just fine.