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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Interesting Facts of " the Tempest" by shakespear ?

Question:hi there , any chance of you giving me your most 3 interesting facts about " the tempest" by shakespear ?

thank you .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hi there , any chance of you giving me your most 3 interesting facts about " the tempest" by shakespear ?

thank you .

+ The story is based around magic and the super-norm

+ The main characters are Prosporo [ a wizard ] and his daughter Miranda

+ 'Tempest' means storm and thats how Prospero and Miranda end up on the magical island...

Well, the play is known as The Tempest. It is said to have been written by William Shakespeare. That's with an ultimate E btw.
Capitals appears at the beginning of a sentence or should you refer to someone or somethings name. Random capitalisation is a sign of ignorance and best avoided. The 'Thank you' is an endearing note which deserves a reply. The best way is to buy a copy of the play and read the preamble.

1: It is based on a rumor in London of Shakespeare's time about a shipwreck in Bermuda.

2: It has been interpreted to be a condemnation of Colonialism, with Ariel being the good native and Caliban being the uppity one.

I, personally, think Caliban got the shaft. It was, after all, his island before Prospero came along and started lording it over everyone("OOooh! I'm a Wizard! Bow down!" The nerve of that guy.)

3: In The Maltese Falcon, Sam Spade misquotes Shakespeare in describing the bird as "the stuff that dreams are made of". BTW: Hammett did that deliberately.