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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Where can I find a legit agent? (This is Lucas's sister)?

Question:I have a love for writing, singing, modeling, and acting. Any agent that specializes in any of these careers would be exactlly what I'm looking for. Thank You Very Much :) -Samantha-

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a love for writing, singing, modeling, and acting. Any agent that specializes in any of these careers would be exactlly what I'm looking for. Thank You Very Much :) -Samantha-

Acting jobs
Modeling Auditions
Singing Auditions

( You may have seen me on TV but I cannot reveal my ID, I take emails though )

You can find agents anywhere in your local area and you can find them online, you just gotta look for them! FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!

You say you want a "legit" agent, but the things you list are not things that a Legit Agent would handle. A Legit Agent handles "legit" actors, that is, those with (usually) classical training who do serious plays, classical, etc. Agents specialize. A musical theatre agent is different from a literary agent. A legit agent is different from a commercial agent. And first, you're going to have to get some real experience under your belt to impress those agents - They don't just take you on, you need to be a proven working asset.