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Question:what is the best way to burst into the acting scene?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what is the best way to burst into the acting scene?

Ok, I gave almost this same advice already to someone else, here it is:

There is no sure way to be a famous actress, but if you don't care about fame, it is simple enough to join the acting scene.

The first thing to do is to take as many classes and workshops as possible, as well as reading up on the subject. Once you do that, audition for everything that you can possibly find. It doesn't matter if you have no chance of getting the part, auditioning is amazing experience. When you get a role, work your butt off: offer to help backstage, memorize all of your lines quickly, listen to your director, never be late, show up to all the rehersals, and just be a great and friendly person to work with. If you do that, you will be remembered for being easy to work with, and hopefully get in more plays with even better parts.

There, you're an actress. Simple. If you want to be a famous actress...don't quit your job for it...or you could just buy a lottery ticket, you have a better chance of winning.

All in all, acting is an amazing hobby, and if you don't expect to be walking the red carpet instantly, very worth your time.

Join a theatre group even if not as an actor at least as a volunteer or backstage and learn the tricks of how to be successful in the theater world...
Hope u succeed, if u r 4m bombay gimme a ring on +919820450639