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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> At my school talent show i sang high school musical when there was me and you an

Question:all i did was that i sang my favourite song sung by a girl and the next day everyone laughed

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: all i did was that i sang my favourite song sung by a girl and the next day everyone laughed

You're in school. The popular kids are complete dipwits and most of the proles want to be the popular kids so they check their brains and follow like whipped dogs.

Just be you and sing. In a few years they'll be gone and out in the real world getting reality knocked into their perfect little world, and you'll still be you.

Good work.

I can understand why they did.

My friend you have just committed social suicide.

Your voice probably didn't go or sound right with the lyric's. I hope you come out on youtube so i can see it.

are you a guy? Is that why you mentioned it was sung by a girl? Just laugh it off be like whatever I like that song. It'll blow over soon.

Well its a poppy cheesy song. It was probably cute, but they probably didn't take you seriously.

If it was good, and people didn't know you could sing well, they will laugh as a nervousness thing of not knowing you actually have a talent. In school people tend to think that they are the only ones that have talent.

I agree with other people, laugh it off yourself, and be you.