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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm torn between two professions I love dearly. What should I do?

Question:Now that I am applying to college, I have to think about what i want to do in my life, and this is proving to be difficult to choose. I can't decide between the two jobs I want to have: paleontologist or actor. I am equally qualified and skilled for both, and I love doing each one. I love science, and dinosaurs, and writing papers on new discoveries (I've dreamed of being a paleontologist since I was 2), yet I love the thrill of being on stage, singing in musical theatre, and reciting Shakespeare.
Which should I choose? I know both are difficult, competition is fierce, and really striking it big are rare, but it wouldn't matter: either one would make me want to go to work everyday. Which one should I dedicate my life to? Should I dig for dinosaurs bones or have my name in lights on Broadway and beyond?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Now that I am applying to college, I have to think about what i want to do in my life, and this is proving to be difficult to choose. I can't decide between the two jobs I want to have: paleontologist or actor. I am equally qualified and skilled for both, and I love doing each one. I love science, and dinosaurs, and writing papers on new discoveries (I've dreamed of being a paleontologist since I was 2), yet I love the thrill of being on stage, singing in musical theatre, and reciting Shakespeare.
Which should I choose? I know both are difficult, competition is fierce, and really striking it big are rare, but it wouldn't matter: either one would make me want to go to work everyday. Which one should I dedicate my life to? Should I dig for dinosaurs bones or have my name in lights on Broadway and beyond?

What about majoring in Paleontology and minoring in acting? The thing is it almost doesn't really matter what you get your first degree in. The real connections and work will come with a masters degree. So for now I would think about what you would most enjoy spending your time doing. Perhaps sit down and write a pros and cons list for both. Think about every little detail and see which pro list ends up being longer.

Also have you already decided what school you are going to or are you basing where you apply to on what you want to major in? I would look at the schools that most interest you and then go online and look at what the requirements for both majors would be. Perhaps in doing this you will see that the classes for one sound more exciting then the other.

No matter what you chose you clearly are being realistic in that you understand that you are choosing competitive fields. So follow your heart. I am guessing that both excite you but when it comes down to it one will sing to you just a bit more.

Having spent a lifetime in Television and Film I would be far more excited to meet a paleontologist. But that is just me :)

I wish you tons of luck in this tough ( but exciting) decision.

Ask yourself which is what I should do with my life?What am I risking with both professions? Which could be a comfortable lifestyle for me? and things like that
Good Luck!

Honestly...I don't think you should limit yourself to just one. It's a creditable and self-satisfying feeling to do the things you love. Who knows..the fact that you know about Dinosaurs could get you a major acting role one day. Indiana Jones 5 maybe? Just go for it.....:-)

if you answer these questions then you can think and get a better understanding of your future. what would be educational, which would you be better at, which would cause you less stress, what would make you happy, think of debts, how you will be seen by others, which is more likely to be more filling towards your dreams, etc. or you can study for the big word and have some type of a part time job in theater if it exists or possible.
good luck!!!!!!!!

Wow... that sounds like a monologue.... I don't know you but that sounds like an actors... What i think you should do though is just try each of them out for a while.... which one makes you really feel alive... which one gets your blood going. which one makes you feel on top of the world, like nobody and nothing could ever get you down?
Ask yourself this, and listen to your heart.....
What does it tell you? what does it say?
listen... and you'll find your answer...

Good Luck!

If you are equally passionate about both, I would go with the steady job ( I don't know if paleontology for you would entail teaching, research, etc.)

Then you can act as an enjoyable recreational side endeavor. Should you decide to pursue it later full-time, at least you would have an education, degree, and other skills to fall back on.

Why don't you do your science for a living, and be an actor on the side for fun?

You can do both, at least in college. Acting doesn''t necessarily involve earning a living wage or having your name in lights on the Great White Way. Paleontology is a good day job while you also pursue your acting. They are certainly not mutually exclusive. And college theater is a lot of fun as an elective.

If you truly love both I'd say go into Paleontology and do community theatre. Even if you are a really good actor, it it very unlikely you'll be able to make a living solely off that.

It is also never too late to get into acting, so if you decide that dinosaur bones just aren't what you thought they'd be, then you still have acting. But you wont be able to switch from acting to paleontology as easily.