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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm 12 yrs. old and I really really want to get in to acting....?

Question:but I can't find any audtions around MI that will lead me to Hollywood and I don't know how to tell my parents I'm serious about this and really want to audition. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: but I can't find any audtions around MI that will lead me to Hollywood and I don't know how to tell my parents I'm serious about this and really want to audition. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

well, start off small, then go bigger.
find a local theatre, or play house. do that for a while, then when youre in high school get into the drama department, you wont regret it! have someone tape you while acting and see if you can find an agent to send/give it to. that should set you on your acting way! hope it helps!

Just tell your parents straight out. They love you, and they'll do anything for you. You can also look online (if you haven't already) and look for some theatres in your area.

get an agent and the rest will be history.

If you are really serious about getting into acting, not because you just want to become famous but, because acting is something that you are passionate about, you have a lot of hard work ahead of you. Begin by telling your parents that you seriously want to take some acting classes. There are classes offered pretty much everywhere. If they agree, involve them in signing up for the classes. You will probably have to do this anyway as you will need their help commuting. Take the class and prove to your parents that you are serious by really committing yourself to learning the skills you need to work in this craft. Once your folks see that you are passionate and serious they will most likely be supportive. Additionally, if time or budget doesn't allow you to take classes, you can begin to read play scripts. You can work on developing several monologue that are right for you. You will then be prepared to audition. Perform the monologues for your parents. Convince them you are taking this seriously. If you want more information about choosing the right monologue go to
Be persistent...