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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do you think may disease may prevent me from acting?

Question:i got vitiligo in my skin it makes me look with white spots on my skin , recently i have started to like acting but im afraid that in that big superficial world out there i may get rejected i know of people in the acting world that also has vitiligo but they got it long after they started, do you think m disease will prevent me from acting

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i got vitiligo in my skin it makes me look with white spots on my skin , recently i have started to like acting but im afraid that in that big superficial world out there i may get rejected i know of people in the acting world that also has vitiligo but they got it long after they started, do you think m disease will prevent me from acting

No. If you want something, go for it. If superficial people don't like the way you look, they don't have to look at you. It'll probably be discouraging sometimes, but stick with it! Good luck!

no .there are several actors/actresses that have things like this .it doesent matter what you have just be confident ..and good luck

yes, and no. You might not get inrolled in a few more things then you would but you still might be able to do a few of things

No. It may be a little more difficult, but it's not going to stop you from having a career. Along with the people in Hollywood that you mentioned, there's a newscaster in my area with vitiligo, and people didn't even know he had it until he mentioned it! It's no biggie. Yes, Hollywood is really superficial. But can you fight back? Of course you can!