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Question:I need (asap) a shakespear play that has really good female monologues

it can NOT be from
-Romeo and Juliet
-As you Like It
-Midsummer's Night


Please and thank you :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need (asap) a shakespear play that has really good female monologues

it can NOT be from
-Romeo and Juliet
-As you Like It
-Midsummer's Night


Please and thank you :)

Then there is Lady Macbeth, and there is Cleopatra in antony and, and there is Kate in Taming of the Shrew, and there is Olivia and the other female lead who pretends to be a boy in 12th Night and on and on and on.

My absolute Fav is Much Ado About Nothing. Try that.

Look at Helena from All's Well That Ends Well - there are some really nice monologues in that. There are several, but definitely look at Act 1, Scene 3 which starts:
"Then, I confess,
Here on my knee, before high heaven and you,
That before you, and next unto high heaven,
I love your son."


Imogene has a great one in Cymbeline - Act 4 scene 2.
"These flowers are like the pleasures of the world;
This bloody man, the care on't. " She wakes up next to the headless body of who she thinks is her love.


Portia in The Merchant of Venice.
Act 3 scene 2 "Away then! I am locked..."
Act 4 scene 1 "The quality of mercy is not strained..."


Hermione in The Winter's Tale
Act 3 scene 2 "Since what I am to say must be but..."

Paulina in The Winter's Tale
Act 3 Scene 2 "What studied torments, tyrant..."


Princess in Love's Labors Lost
Act 5 "A time, methinks, too short..."

Also look at Julia in Two Gentlemen of Verona
Act 1 scene 2 "Oh hateful hands..."

I hope these help.