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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Actress....?

Question:Does any one know any legit agents or agencies for acting in the NYC/NJ or evan LA area?... Im from the jersey shore but may be moving to LA for college next year.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does any one know any legit agents or agencies for acting in the NYC/NJ or evan LA area?... Im from the jersey shore but may be moving to LA for college next year.

If you are moving to Los Angeles shortly wait till you get here, don't bother getting one on the East Coast. No legit agent will take you sight unseen you will need to meet them in person. Meanwhile get all the experience and training you can.

Good Luck!

I sent you a message with some info, but another good resource is the Working Actor's Guide. It's a book in print but they have a free version online and you can't beat that.

Like anything else though, check out any business before using them. Though there is a lot of good info in there, there are some questionable ones too.

good luck,

no i don't sorry but good luck

Some good agencys are;


way more but I gtg

It's going to be hard to find an agent without a union card or $$$ jobs on your resume. Agents make $$$ off actors who make $$$ and to them you're dead meat.

Try the LA non union Extra scene with Central Casting and other similar agencies.