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Question:Im an actress and need to get an agent how much would they cost? Also where would they get you an audition? Do you get to say I want you to find me an aduition in like indiana and i want it to be a tv audition or something like that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im an actress and need to get an agent how much would they cost? Also where would they get you an audition? Do you get to say I want you to find me an aduition in like indiana and i want it to be a tv audition or something like that?

You've gotten good advice all around here. You are not in any way ready for an agent at this point. What you need are acting classes and to build a resume before presenting yourself to the professional world. Since you don't give even a general 'real' location I can't really tell you where to find auditions but I can't tell you how you can find them yourself. Try - casting search and If they don't have much for you then your best bet may be to look in the paper, find the entertainment section and look at what live theatres are near you. Check out their websites and look for audition info. They may also have classes you can take. Another place to look is to do an internet search for your state name and the word film. That should bring up your state's film societies and associations, etc. They may have info on projects filming and casting in your state though if anything they will probably only be looking for extras or small roles.

Also, you should know that most actors starting out build their resume by doing theatre as well as getting roles in student and indie films. You do not start out on tv. You can contact the film departments at local colleges to see how they cast their projects. You really need to do some work before trying to get an agent and if you're under age, your parents need to do this.

Making a career for yourself in the business of acting takes a lot of time and effort. You do not just say you want it to happen and poof. Find a class or two to start. When you start getting comfortable and think you might know what you're doing, audition for a show at a nearby theatre. I can tell you with absolute certainty that you will blacklist yourself from agents if you go in now with no experience and expect them to sign you. It will look very unprofessional.

good luck,

this is ridicolous.. you have 2decide first to do it and decide to make it and you will Report It

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  • Agents cost 10% of your acting pay, whatever that is.

    If you can only audition in Indiana, you have to get an Indiana agent, and you'll be restricted to whatever television work is being cast in Indiana.

    But really, you need a lot of experience before seeking an agent.

    Edit: Even if Indiana was only an example, you need to be able to physically appear at the auditions on a day's notice. No one is going to take on an actor that can't get to auditions. And travel expenses are on you. So your geographical location is extremely important.

    Nothing. Zero. Zip. A talent agent makes money by taking a percentage of your earnings. Any agent that asks for money is a scam.

    The going rate is 10%-15% of whatever you earn from jobs they get you.

    But judging from the nature of your question you might want to hold off on getting an agent till you have a bit more experience.

    An agent's job is to send you to auditions, but any legitimate agent won't sign you unless you are already a professional. My advice is don't worry about the agent yet, take as many classes as you can get all the skills you can and get all the experience you can by hustling to get your own auditions.

    I don't know how much filming is happening in Indiana other than local commericals-- have your mother or father contact the local film board and find out who the local industry professionals are see if you can talk to the agents in they area there may be one willing to assess you and tell you what you need to do.

    Reputable agents don't charge for representing you. They take a percentage of your earnings from the jobs they help you find. Don't trust any agent who asks for money up front.

    Because agents make money only when their clients make money, they're pretty choosy about who they'll represent. They'll take you on as a client only if they see you as someone with significant earning potential.

    You're probably at a stage in your acting career where you should be lining up your own auditions and building up your experience. When you've got some good credits under your belt, it will be time enough to start sending your headshot and resume to agents.