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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Change my voice for acting.........?

Question:I sometimes think that my voice is not interesting, loud enough for acting.
How can i change this?

I want a voice that is strong and LOUD!! PLEAS HELPPP!!!
(im a girl, not big- if it makes a difference!)

(EG Al Pacino has a very string distinctive voice, hoe does he pull it off?))

Detaildetailsdetails PLEASEEEE!!!!

you get 12 points :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I sometimes think that my voice is not interesting, loud enough for acting.
How can i change this?

I want a voice that is strong and LOUD!! PLEAS HELPPP!!!
(im a girl, not big- if it makes a difference!)

(EG Al Pacino has a very string distinctive voice, hoe does he pull it off?))

Detaildetailsdetails PLEASEEEE!!!!

you get 12 points :)

I had a similar problem. Since acting is not my particular focus, I was very weak in of my theater professors gave me an exercise, and I did it before every show--it worked wonders for the power of my voice:
Lay down on a rug or not so painful floor, with your legs, arms, back, and head flat against the floor.
straighten out your neck and look at the ceiling
say "moo" starting at the highest note you can, and going down towards the lowest note that you can (don't stop between notes, just slide down the scale--like a trombone). Make sure that the sound is being pushed out by your diaphragm (tummy area) not from your nose or throat...if anything it should NOT come from your throat at all (that was the hard part for me)
next try "may"
then "me"
then "moe"
then "my"
then "mah"
Try these until you feel you are comfortable that you are giving it all of the support with your diaphragm that you can.
then, do it again--but louder.
eventually, you will learn how to support your voice, making it stronger, clearer, louder, and more interesting.
When your voice is stronger, then you can add more dimensions to it without trying so hard.
good luck! and take care o' them vocal cords.... don't work 'em too hard!

go to a voice teacher. or a speech pathologist. explain to them what you want to do and they may be able to help
good luck

Take a voice class (speaking, not singing). Any acting school should offer this. You should not be yelling in a way that hurts your voice but you will learn support and breath control so you can manipulate your voice (and increase volume) in a healthy way.\

** I'm sorry, but what you're talking about needs to be taught by a teacher initially, THEN you can practice on your own at home. If you don't know what you're doing, you could end up practicing the wrong things or doing it incorrectly, which could actually end up damaging your voice. A teacher needs to be able to SEE what you're doing in order to correct it.