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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Classic theater authors? Aside from Shakespeare, I mean. Ideas?

Question:When somebody asks for a classic theater monologue, aside from Shakespeare, what authors or plays may I look into?
What is really defined as "classic theater"?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When somebody asks for a classic theater monologue, aside from Shakespeare, what authors or plays may I look into?
What is really defined as "classic theater"?


Ibsen, Miller, williams
Classic anything is something that stands the test of time, but also appeals across generation.
God bless you.
read the glass menagerie, death of a salesman, the iceman cometh

Try a Greek playwright such as Sophocles, Aeschylus, or Euripides.

I agree copletely with the answer above me. Read Williams and Miller!!
But if you are looking for Shakespeare era writhers, look at Geoffey Chaucer and the Greeks.