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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Would you want to see this play? Its the play within the story I'm writing..

Question:"Ladies of the Night" is a troupe of woman between the ages of 18 and 35 who show the world what happens when only beauty is respected. These women are among the most beautiful in all the world, but because of society’s standards, they have been cast off as nothing more than a handful of pretty faces. "Ladies of the Night" shows the audience what happens to these women when the sun sets. Under cover of darkness, each woman turns into something. Not animal, but not human either. Its hard to explain what happens to them, really. I mean of course, it’s all symbolic, nothing strange actually happens to these women. But the symbolism tells us that inside every woman, regardless of her age, appearance or upbringing, lurks a deadly creature that does not take well to being overlooked.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "Ladies of the Night" is a troupe of woman between the ages of 18 and 35 who show the world what happens when only beauty is respected. These women are among the most beautiful in all the world, but because of society’s standards, they have been cast off as nothing more than a handful of pretty faces. "Ladies of the Night" shows the audience what happens to these women when the sun sets. Under cover of darkness, each woman turns into something. Not animal, but not human either. Its hard to explain what happens to them, really. I mean of course, it’s all symbolic, nothing strange actually happens to these women. But the symbolism tells us that inside every woman, regardless of her age, appearance or upbringing, lurks a deadly creature that does not take well to being overlooked.

I would like to read the story, yeah!