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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Embarassment, help?!?!?!?

Question:okay so i really wanna b an actress and my family really supports me, but my friends dont really like it, i wanna audition for this role on tv but i need a good headshot, im embarrassed to ask my mom to get a headshot and if my friends will support e, how do i give myself more self confidence about this?????? just to let you know i do REALLY want this, and im not usually embarssed easily but i am with this!!!!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay so i really wanna b an actress and my family really supports me, but my friends dont really like it, i wanna audition for this role on tv but i need a good headshot, im embarrassed to ask my mom to get a headshot and if my friends will support e, how do i give myself more self confidence about this?????? just to let you know i do REALLY want this, and im not usually embarssed easily but i am with this!!!!!!!!!! help!!!!!!!

Honey, if you love acting go for it. You shouldn't give a s*** what anyone else thinks [except your directors, of course]

good luck!!

ps-if your friends can't back you with something that you want to do, then they aren't acting like very good friends.

First of all...this is about YOU, and NOT your friends
dont let what they say discourage you...i know they are your freinds but if this is your dream, what they say doesnt matter...thatsthe truth.
and second, its your own mother, dont be afraid to ask you said they already support you.....its not worth stessing about if you can do it because its worth it, it what you want and dont let anyhting stop you....go for it...block out other peoples voices..........dont be embarressed....imagine yourself not going fora head shot.....would you be any happeir? NO WAY!

This might sound harsh, but if you want to be an actress you can't be shy. If you are too embaressed to ask your mom for headshots how are you ever going to audition for big shot producers and directors?

Don't worry, just ask her, if she says no, then she says no.

Since your friends are not living your life or paying for you to live yours, why are they even in the question? Are you so immature as to let these "friends" who put you down have influence on you? Ask your family to help with the head-shots, do the auditions and "break a leg" !!

If you're in the US, most Wal-marts have a photo studio where you can get a cheap package, or Walgreens will take and print a passport-style photo of you if that is all you need for a "head shot." Cheap and easy. Good luck!